Would you buy your wedding dress from a sample sale
I recently went to a wedding dress sample sale, mainly for the experience because I never been to one before, and I have to say I remain 2011 bridal gownunconvinced that it the way I would want to buy my wedding dress.
The one I went to was in a local hotel, and it was the most bizarre function room to choose for an event like this because there was no natural light and a relatively small amount of room for what turned out to be quite a big crowd of ladies. There was quite a frenzy going on when I arrived and it had only been open for 15 minutes, so there is obviously a target market for this type of sale!
The wedding dresses were arranged in a single row of rails with the smaller sizes one end working its way down to size 18 at the other. I don know what size the smaller sizers were because frankly, there no point in me even entering that part of the room! If I honest,I was a little disappointed with the range on offer around the size 16 -18 mark, but then I saw the queue of around 6 women, each with 2 3 dresses in hand waiting in line for the dressing room and decided that was probably where all the great dresses were!
I can imagine I would ever find my dream wedding dress at a sample sale like this. The lighting was poor, so you can really tell what any of the dresses would be like in natural light, there was only one fitting room from what I could tell (and a massive queue!) and not a great selection. I want to buy my dream wedding dress in a calm and well-lit environment where the sales attendant can give me their undivided attention to help me choose the one perfect dress for me. However, if that not your bag and price is the key for you, then a wedding dress sample sale might be the answer for you. Prices were approximately 50% off the RRP of each gown, and you could pay by cash or card. You also get to try on each dress rather than buying a sample off the internet, which bridal hair accessories may or may not end up fitting you.
Whether you decide to buy your wedding dress like this or not, even if you just going to look you definitely need to be there as the sale opens to be in with a chance of grabbing the best dresses!